Saturday, December 26, 2009

Protective styles

So, I've been reading about protective styles and wanted to try out a few for myselft. I decided that Christmas would be a good day to give it a try.
I kinda liked the way the back came out with the two layers of rolls, really cute. The front needs some work. I wasn't crazy about the part in the middle and I knew my hair would become more puffy along the sides so I took it down and did my two-stranded twist. I'll keep working on my protective syling, I already have some ideas in my head.

Keep it real, keep it natural YY

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Annie's Rubber Cushion Brush

I have been reading a lot of information about the Denman brushes. I have not seen one at the beauty supply store that I frequent. However, there is a brush called the Rubber Cushion Brush by Annie.

I love this brush. I discovered this brush more than ten years ago when I was still relaxing. I wanted a brush that would give me a good massage as I brush my hair. When I felt this brush through the plastic I knew it was just what I was looking for and I have been hooked ever since.
I stopped using Annie's brush when I went natural because of the pulling. Then, because of all the great websites like blackhairplanet, the coil review and even youtube, I learned how to brush my hair to detangle it. I am so happy seeing that my $1.99 brush works as well as the Denman. I've never priced a Denman but I don't think I get it for $1.99. Maybe one day I'll make more of an effort to find and purchase a Denman for the purpose of comparison. But for now...if it ain't broke don't fix it.

Pros: price $1.99
7 rows of bristles
fantastic curl pattern
excellent for detangling
removable head for easy cleaning
rounded hard plastic/rubber bristles for great scalp massage

Cons: The rubber bed seems to wear away easily (this is pre natural hair. Now I'll get to see if it last a bit longer)
This is the only con I have for the brush but considering a price tag of $1.99, it's not that important to me.
While I was there I also bought a satin pillowcase $3.99 and terry turban $4.99. I haven't used either of them yet but I'm looking forward to it.

Keep it real, keep it natural YY

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Me I Am Becoming

There is so much commercialism available to girls of all ages. What the TV and maggies don't drill into their heads, friends and family certainly will. Am I excluded, of course not, not one of us is untouched by this form of socialism literally thrown on us before we can define ourselves.

In 2008 I decided to do something for me, just to see what it would be like. I thought to myself, 'It's way past time for another relaxer. My hair is so thick you could lose a small child in it.' But I realized I missed my 6-8 week regimen of: pretreated/greasing my scalp, applying and combing (while crying) the relaxer, rinsing over and over, sitting under the dryer or blow drying (another long process) and then still not done because I have to curl and then roll up my hair. But wait, there's more...Don't let it rain. Oh crap! all that curling and now my hair has to go in a ponytail because of the humidity! So throw the hot curlers in my bag and curl it again when I get to work.

Enough of all that! I happen to be blessed with a length of hair that lays on my shoulders but I was so caught up in trying to make my look as sleek, shiny and bouncy as females who were wearing fake hair! No offense sistas It was so bad I couldn't tell if I was looking at real hair or not, even on the baby girls. Not only could I not tell but I once had a female curse me because she assumed my hair was fake.

So now my hair anniversary is coming. I was thinking, 2007 is probably my anniversary but since I can't remember the month of my last relaxer I'm fine using the month I decided to fore go the crack. That right Whitney! crack is whack, even in your hair. Oh in my hair. This posting is strictly about my hair and my journey, I would never be so lofty as to knock someone for their choices.
So, hmm, I do tend to ramble; anywho! THE ME I AM BECOMING, born out of mere freedom to choose, is finding herself and I think I like her. I love knowing that I am not defined by makeup, which I never wore anyway; nor my clothing, which have never been designer labels; nor my bank account, which is quite sparse. I am defined by who I want to be. I choose to never put that creamy crack in my again, I choose to never put heating elements in my hair again, I choose never to add manufactured hair to head again or anyone else's hair for that matter. I choose to not wear makeup, I choose gray naturally and hope it to be gracefully. I choose to continue to strive to a woman of character, grace and virtue. So as I travel my path to a positive napptitude, I am falling in love with YY THE ME I AM BECOMING. YY

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I love Moeshealoe

My shea butter recipe came out so good, thanks to moe moe's recipe. The grapefruit essential oil was great choice. I enjoyed it so much in my shea butter mix that I added to water for a refreshing spritz in the afternoon. It's an invigorating spritz when your eyes start to get a bit heavy. I have to find something for evenings now that will be relaxing but it wont be lavender, I really don't like that smell. Anyway, I think I had a pretty good combo of ingredients, not too oily, not at all sticky/tacky, not too dry and not too wet. Only thing, with no measurements it will never be actually the same. But hey, it's the results that matter.

What's next? Well, since I read you can also use shea butter on your skin, lotion is next. Since my hair is natural and I'm trying to stick to natural products, why not stop butting all that junk on my skin as well. I'm kinda working backwards but I figure if I can develop a discipline with my hair and skin (on the outside) then maybe I will be able to develop a discipline on the inside and eat better. Gotta start somewhere.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Shealoe with a splash of grapefruit

So I bought my shea butter yesterday in preparation for making shealoe. Today I bought George Aloe Gel, Aura Cacia Grapefruit essential oil, EGem vitamin E and some Castor Oil that I may use for blackhairplanet castor oil challenge 2010. I was able to easily mash up the shea butter with a funky curved fork that I have had forever. It’s very strong and heavy and the curving allowed it to fit the shape of the bowl making stirring and mashing easy so absolutely no heating/melting was necessary. This added to the fact that I was chilly; I try to keep my heat set at 62-65 unless it’s really cold; so I was sitting near the space heater. Holding the glass bowl in my hand while I stirred allowed the natural body heat, as well as the heat from the space heater, to warm and soften the butter just a bit more.

Then it was time to pull out the hand mixer; so glad I already had one of these in the house. I remembered reading to only use one blade. Actually, I thought I would have to but once I started I realized that one blade was not a smart choice. I felt like I was in a rodeo trying to hold the bowl and hold the mixer! Butter started to fly around the room even though I truly know how to mix with a hand mixer. Once I added the second blade, which to my surprise did fit the bowl, it was much easier to hold on…I was able to stay on the horse!!! LOL.

Oh yes!!! After about 10-15 mins of adding ingredients (aloe gel and a bit of evoo) I finally got a good consistency. After this I added the grapefruit eo, it took more of this then I expected. But now, it definitely looks like whipped cake frosting and smells oh, so good! I really had to resist the urge to taste the frosting…uh butter a few times when I got some on my fingers. Instead I just rubbed in. By the time I finished not only did I have a great smelling, luxurious feeling, whipped butter, I also very soft hands. Oh, I was able to finally use just one blade of the mixer once I had a softer consistency of the butter.

I bought these cheapie containers with twist top, something you don’t see much of anymore, at the dollar to put the shea butter in. Is this a good idea or should I be using a glass container? I hope somebody reads this and responds. I guess this is a good use for these containers since it says not for microwave or dishwasher, wow!

Guess I could have made a bit more uh? I only used half of the shea butter because I was afraid of messing up. Maybe next week I’ll go ahead and make the rest and just put it all together.

So, wrapping up, next time:
*Mash the shea butter with my special fork, though I think any fork will do.
*Start off with both blades of mixer and add aloe vera gel a little at a time.
*Once the consistency is nice and creamy it’s ok to remove one blade, if you want.
*Add drops of vitamin E, I added about 10 drops and mixed a bit more.
*Add some evoo, or oil of choice to smooth out more. By now it should be looking good and whipped so stop or keep going until you find the consistency you want.
*Lastly, add essential oil of choice, though not necessary, for fragrant goodness. I used grapefruit oil, hmmm smells soooooo good!

I can’t wait to do my hair in the morning! I am so excited to see how my hair likes this mix.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Nappy Language

I am so in love with being natural even on the day when my hair doesn't do what I want it to do. I have become quite a pj if I say so myself.
One of the things I really love about being natural is the winks and nods. When I'm walking down the street, head held high, and see fellow nappy head. We don't even have to speak, we just kind of nod and smile at each other. . I love it when I talk with a complete stranger and speak the secret nappy langage using words like: ACV, TWA, condish, co wash, no poo, ORS, TW and cones.
As the new year approaches and people being to make resolutions, I don't make resolutions I make life changes, I look forward to moving further in this journey of nappiest. I hope to reach a point where I wont hate to co-wash because my hair is soooo coily. Instead I can just look forward to learning new styles that will aw my family and friends. Maybe I will be able to bring a few over to coily side!!