Saturday, July 10, 2010

Three Strand Twist Pin Up

So lately I have been seeing some postings about a three strand twist. I wondered what could this be if its not a braid. So I did some investigating and found several youtube tutorials. After watching this particular one I sat and twisted my hair using this method and found it very easy. Honestly, it only took completing two twist for my brain to understand that I was plaiting this time. I did my whole head, dry this time since I was only experimenting. I did big fat three strand twist and didn't worry if they were all going in the same direction. I didn't even use a comb to part them nice and neat. They were not pretty y'all so don't be looking for pics. I just tied them down and went to bed. This morning I flattened the front and sides using my condish spritz and some shealoe, put a couple of bands around my head and starting pinning those fat twist up. I love the way it come out.

You can see I used good sized twist instead of the much smaller ones I usually do. I don't know what this is going to look like when I take them out. Hmm this may make a wonderful style for Happy Nappy Day tomorrow. If it hot my hair will be perfect, off my neck and out of my face!

Here is the youtube video I found that really helped me.

Wow!! this is my first time adding a youtube video!! It took a bit of work to get it play but now it up and running!!

Keep it real, keep it natural YY

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Good Hair, seriously?

I'm a little slow catching up with this movie since I haven't been outside to see a movie in ages; I prefer the comfort of my quiet home with Netflix and Comcast. So, I finally saw Chris Rock's movie Good Hair...gimme a break. One of the first things to come to my attention is the that fact that in an hour and 35 minutes of filming there is really only one woman with natural hair that was interviewed. Does this mean that there will be a follow up movie about natural hair?

There's a scene with the girls that just finished Dudley's school and they are all sitting there saying how the one girl with the natural fro would be frowned upon if she came to their office looking for work. I was waiting for her to have her turn to speak her mind instead of just having her sit there taking it all in.

I learned things about weaves that completely scared me! Honestly, it made me so glad I don't wear a weave. Chris Rock showed a side of weaves that should have remained a secret! How about the hair from India having to be 'treated'. OMG, it has to be checked for lice!!!!! Call me crazy but...and that poor baby crying as they are shaving her little head. I understand there is a spiritual meaning behind cutting the hair off in India so good for them.

Can we talk about the prices!!! I feel so ignorant, the things I didn't know. When I used to be on the creamy crack, I didn't go anywhere near those isles in the stores so I had absolutely no idea about paying upwards of 1k for hair and that's just the purchase not the actual weaving. SERIOUSLY!!!! Lay-a-way plans for hair? Come on, be real. I guess that explains some of the terrible track, weave, whatever it's called jobs I've seen in the heads of ladies attempting to do their own.

Oh, what about the Asian man saying 'Women want the straight hair weaves, it's looks more natural'. What's wrong with that it just me?

Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against any woman who feels it necessary to go through all this just to feel beautiful. I remember getting my first relaxer, Vigorol, at 18. That's right, my mother would not let me put chemicals in my hair until then. I really don't recall feeling any prettier because my hair was straight. What I liked was that my hair was definitely more manageable seeing as how I loved to swim, dance and it was just plain hot running the streets of Baltimore. I've always been a down to earth, low key kinda girl and never been caught up in looks or fashion trends.

What this movie did for me is make me appreciate my natural hair so much more. I stand with my head held high on the choice that I made. My hair now makes me feel more beautiful than I have ever felt in my life. So Chris Rock, if you ever want to talk about 'Good Hair' you look me up. Talk to some of us girls who fight to manage what God endowed us with naturally. Those of us who know how to make a bad hair day a good hair day with a little conditioner and water...That's right I said water, good ole H2O! I have developed a great nappitude and love, love, love my hair. Big ups to all my natural sistas out there that made the choice to put down the creamy crack, the weave, the wigs and I don't know what else and live with what you have. So while we wait for Chris to contact us, we can gather and flaunt our nappitude at Happy Nappy Day 2010 next month.

ETA: 7/1/10

Just realized how 'bad' that dvd was to me. I actually called the movie Bad Hair when the actual name of the dvd is Good Hair, sorry everybody. I guess this is what they call a Freudian slip.

Keep it real, keep it natural YY

Monday, May 31, 2010

Product reviews

I recently bought two of the three new Suave Professionals conditioners. I got the Almond Shea Butter and the Rosemary Mint. Suave didn't fail me, of course. Now I haven't gotten good at choosing things aren't filled with lots of stuff that's good for my hair so I not sure if this fits that bill or not. What I can say is that just like the Sleek and Humectant these two conditioners are very good. I actually dc'd overnight with the Rosemary Mint and the next morning was lovely. There was bit of evoo in my hair because I had to take down my puffy ponytail which require a bit of detangling. So I used my spiritz that has conditioner, water and evoo in it. After
doing my co-wash and detangling in the shower, I put my hair in two stranded twist and noticed that how nice my roots looked. Two thumbs up baby!!

So anyway, what I noticed right away about these two conditioners is the texture. Unlike Sleek and Humectant, these two fellows have a kinda 'clumpy' texture. Maybe I'll add a pic for comparison. Despite this clumpy look, they work just as well and of the two I like the Rosemary Mint best. I could feel a tingle in my scalp that was really nice and because I am familiar with rosemary I could easily smell it. There is no overpowering smell just the hint of refreshing clean. The mint tingling in my scalp made my hair feel extra clean. I have to say it's a keeper, unless someone tells me that it's a lousy product for napturals!

The Almond Shea...hmm, nothing to right home about. Yes it feels great but I've come to love the light fragrances in my conditioners and this pretty much has none. There is a slight hint of something from the almond but nothing that lingers. If I had an occasion where I didn't want anything to outplay the scent of my perfume, this would be a good choice.

What else have I tried? Well because I've decided to make a conscious effort to be more natural, both inside and out, I am getting away from the shower gels and looking for more natural products. I tried a new olive oil soap and an african black soap that I bought a the natural hair expo.

The olive oil soap, very lightly scent feels very good on my skin. I look forward to eventually make my own soap but it will do for now. This soap left my skin feeling squeaky clean. I've grown so accustomed to that slippery film on my skin from commercial soaps that it felt strange at first. Right after showering I put evoo on my face shealoe on my skin. Right now, since I'm single, this is better than sex! roflmbo.
The black soap is the bar I use when I shampoo my hair. I mostly co-wash but enjoy a good sud now and then. That clean, clean feeling that comes from this soap is amazing!

Keep it real, keep it natural YY

Thursday, May 6, 2010

What I've been up to

I've been a very bad girl when it comes to my blogs! With the pending arrival of my grandniece I've been busy making shower gifts for a shower that was cancelled for personal reasons and making gifts for the baby. Since my niece tends to read my blogs I had to hold off on my writing cause she's so nosy! And more so because I am so excited about her baby that I go home and knit or crochet, most days before I even eat anything so blogging has definitely taken a back seat. Have no fear my modest group of followers, I have been diligent with my hair! I am proud to say that my pjism is under control and I haven't really bought any new products to review lately; all my money has been feeding my other addiction, yarn.
What have I done new, I have been doing hair baggies. Waiting until it got warm to do this was a good idea. If, like me you don't use heat, you can't be running around in 30 degree weather with a wet head. So now that it's warm I have been bagging every night. I guess I'm doing it correctly, I just know I love the results. If someone else does it differently, it's about what works for you.
  1. Make sure hair is wet, I usually spritz mine real good in the evening after work with my condish, evoo and water leave-in.
  2. Appy shealoe and smooth into two ponytails with those seamless pony holders.
  3. Separate each ponytail into 3-5 plaits.
  4. Wrap saran wrap around each ponytail or put a baggy on and secure with another ponytail holder. I like the saran wrap because it will hold on it's own meaning less bulk on my head. I'm one of those ladies who hates to sleep in rollers or anything bulky.
  5. Put on satin cap/scarf and secure for the night.
  6. In the AM remove the plastic and fluff lightly to get rid of the part down the back. The front will remain flat and smooth, so you can put on a head band or whatever accessories you'd like. Now get ready for comps(compliments) all day long as you strut your naptitude!!
What else have I been doing with my hair? What's the problem with type 4 hair girls? SHRINKAGE!!!! I know, I know, I know.
I found an answer that works for me but it's not pretty. I'm working on a better way though remember I tend to march to the beat of my own drums so there probably is already a better answer. Anywho, after washing, moisture and double-strand twisting I pin/clip my hair up. I pull the left side to the right, the right side to the left, the front straight back and the back over that to the front pinning as I go. As I said it's really not pretty when I finish but it's comfortable enough to sleep in so that my hair can completely dry. This I only do when I am not planning on going out so it stays like this pretty much all weekend. I know, I do not have a life, just give me coffee, tv and yarn and I'm a very happy girl!! So, come Monday when you pull out all the clips your hair will fall on your shoulders instead of tinkling your earlobes all day. This is a process that can be repeated Monday night and you don't have to use much moisture. Just pin up again and drop it in the morning; otherwise, it will continue to shrink back up to the those lobes. Honestly, I do have pics but since, I'm writing this during my lunch break those will have to come in a later post.

As promised, below are pics of my hair bagged for the night and taken out the next day.

Keep it real, keep it natural YY

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy to be nappy

I know I haven't written anything in a while but I was inspired to come up with a few words after reading something on a website about how some people feel about naptural hair.

Hate me, hate my hair, I really don't care
It's in the mirror you should stare.
Snickering, laughing, pointing at me
knowing secretly you want to be free.
Watch me walk with my head held high
While you drool at my hair on the sly
I'm happy, nappy and proud of who I am
What you think of me, I really don't give a ...

Keep it real, keep it natural YY

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Trying out ACV

I have never used ACV (apple cider vinegar) but I have read a lot about it so tonight I gave it a try. I did a pre poo mix of BB Growth Oil and a leave-in conditioner mix (Suave Sleek, evoo and water). I left this on for 2 hours, from 3pm to 5pm. I applied the oil at work and put on a shower cap, a satin cap and a crocheted hat over that. When I got home I did a clarifying rinse with VO5 clarifying conditioner. I was supposed to use baking soda put I didn’t feel like measuring it out. Next, I applied a mix of Roots of Nature shea butter green tea conditioner and Organics Hair Mayonnaise for 30 mins. Lastly, I did an ACV rinse. I used room temperature water, or rather the mix was at room temp by the time I'd finished washing. I know my cuticles and everything else are closed. Room temp felt like it had been in the fridge! I ended my regimen by applying JBCO (Jamaican Black castor oil) to my scalp, more leave-in conditioner and my shealoe to the ends. I then put my hair in braids, not for work tomorrow but just in case I want to go somewhere tomorrow night! If I go out I will be able to rock a really nice braid out. If I don’t go anywhere my hair will stay braided until Monday morning.
So step by step:
* Pre poo with oil
* Clarify with baking mix or Clarifying conditioner.
* Deep condition
* ACV rinse
* Oil scalp
* Moisturize ends
* Style
After all this my hair feels good and soft and it was a bit easier to comb, as long as it is wet. I kept my leave-in close to wet my hair as it started to dry. The real test is when I take the braids out and see what my hair looks like.

Keep it real, keep it natural YY

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Hairversary to me!

Woohoo!! My hairiversary month and I am still finding more 'previously owned' hair bling. Honestly, I haven't worn any of these jewels since I went natural. They just kind of fell in the back of a drawer full of headbands, barrettes, pony holders and all kinds of stuff.

The last one I actually wore today with my up in a protective style. I not sure what this is suppoed to be, from this view it looks kinda like a butterfly. I turned it the other way and looks kinda like a ladybug. Well, even being a bit blurry the flowers are easy enough to get right without quinting and standing on one foot. So I definitely liked the look I got with the...BUTTERLADY!!! Yeah, that works, hahaha.

So my hair is in my usual easy double stranded twist and pinned up in a kinda roll thingy like my other styles with one hundred millions hair pins. It's a definite 'do again' style.

Keep it real, keep it natural

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hair Bling!!

I have been looking into getting some hair bling to add to my napptitude without spending a lot of money. What would really make me happy is to make my own according to my own style of course. For this reason, even though I love Tomoka's hair accessories I try not visit her site to often. Soooooo, I going through my draw of hair stuff and found this beautiful barrette that I totally forgot I had in my possession. I love this piece, it's loaded with lots of color and sitting alone reminds me of a miniature crown (I watched three seasons of The Tudors this week). The colors are so bright and cheerful, lots of yellow, red, purple, white, pink and gold.

Then I had to decide what to do with my hair if I were to wear this lovely piece. What did I come up updo of course. I still have to work out the details on exactly how to pin up my hair because I wont be able to put a whole lot inside the barrette. My hair is twisted right now and will probably stay this way for the week so it has to look sensible and still accent the my bling. I just so glad I went digging in that door. Who knows what other treasures are hiding in there.

What a great find this was for me and the timing couldn't be better. I just remembered...IT'S MY HAIR ANNIVERSARY!!!! Yeah me!!! So easy though this really isn't a new gift, I haven't seen it for a while and completely forgot about it so, it's a found treasure.

Keep it real, keep it natural YY

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Two more protective styles

After my deep conditioning and JBCO application, as part of my committment to the challenges I joined, I wanted to at least try to up with some new or revised protective styles.
  • I DC'd with Roots of Nature shea butter green tea for about 45 mins
  • Applied my leave in condish mix
  • Braided my hair in small braids to air dry

Monday morning I took the braids out and again put 10 million pins in my hair. This time I liked the look so much better than my first attempt at this. I had lots of texture/waves this time and everything same in place with ease. I like the look from every angle, front, back and side.

So then I decided to take it down and was too lazy to twist it so I had to come up with something else. So this time I came up with my protective pony braid. I think the picture speaks for itself and works for itself. This I'll wear the rest of the week. The braids kinda remind me of a french knot the way they are winded around each other.

Keep it real, keep it natural YY

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Why didn't I think of that before?

So I acquired this really really nice comb to use in the shower but there was a problem. I have had this comb for at least six months but never ever used it because of this ugly gnarl in the end that I already knew would snag my hair.

May not look like much but it's a very hard piece and it can do a whole lot of damage. It's at the front of the comb so there is no way to avoid it. Yesterday I made up my mind that I had to just let it go, throw it away when all of a sudden...Duh! it came to me. I took the comb out on my balcony and scratched it a few times on the cement and it was like magic. What problem? It was like filing a fingernail. The end is as smooth as the rest of comb and ready to be used now. Just think, I almost threw out what will be a great detangling comb for no reason at all. Now I have to check the rest of my combs and see if they could use a bit of filing down.

Keep it real, keep it natural YY

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Protective style 3

Ok, so I was hoping to get a couple of days out of my style but I only got one. I wasn't really pleased with it but I wore it anyway. I think my biggest mistake was how I tied it up, I actually flattened it completely. I don't have any pics since my digi battery needed to be charged.

Last night I came home and took my hair down, applied leave-in, oiled my ends and did about six chunky braids. This morning I took the braids out and without combing just started tucking and pinning. Again, I don't bother to really look in the mirror until I am done; otherwise I would be in the mirror too long fussing over my hair.

I also used a nylon stocking; I knew those legs would come in handy. The stocking was used to tie around my head like a headband to help to keep my ends smooth. I really like this one, it kinda reminds me of a french roll in the back but the top is not the same. The top sits high with just a couple of pins to keep it back from my face. Again I'll try to sleep on it; hopefully it wont look so bad in the morning. At least I know not to tie it down like I'm preparing for a hurricane. Hey, maybe I should use my satin pillowcase tonight since I still haven't tried it out yet.

Keep it real, keep it natural YY

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Protective style 2

Well, I started working on another protective style that will be more to my liking. After deep conditioning over the weekend my hair felt good but I really did like the way it looked after I took the braids out for work yesterday. It really wasn't a good hair day, but then my hair does have a mind of its own. When I came home from work yesterday I went straight to work on it. I spritzed it with my leave-in mix (suave professionals in the orange bottle, it really smells refreshing; evoo; water), and detangled with my wide tooth comb. Then all of a sudden I had a thought. Standing in the mirror with a section of damp hair in my hand I decided, 'Why not try a bantu knots.' So after combing I brushed the section with my rubber brush and started twisting until the section started turning on itself. I twisted it around and didn't even need pins to hold it in place. Oh yeah, added a bit of Taliah Waajid Tight Hold to the ends, something else I read is supposed to be good for twist. The TW kinda fooled me, it's so light I really didn't think it would anything for my hair. Anyway I finished knotting up my hair. I didn't put much thought into how it was parted or whether the sections were even or not, I just wanted to experiment. I was happy to see that my hair's sheen has returned. I attribute that to the deep conditioning and the Jamaican Black Castor challenges I just started. Look how glossy and smooth.

Honestly, judging by this look I expected to have to spend time trying to figure how to manage my hair this morning and still be on time for work.

This morning I spritzed my hair again before my shower and then it was time. I started knots apart and thought to myself, 'OK, what do I do now, they look like worms!'. Really wish I had thought to take a picture. Instead I grabbing small sections and pinning them up. I didn't look in the mirror. I continued to pin until everything was off my shoulders. When I stopped and took a look...WOW!!! I love you!!!

Of course I did wear my scarf to protect the back of my hair, I took it off for the picture. It's time for me to start looking into getting some hair bling for sure. This style will really rock with something shiny or dangling from it. I was checking out some of the hair bling made by tomoka, who is truely awesome. She makes all kinds of hair goodies and jewelry too. So back on track, I have tied my sides up, or rather down for the night. I am hoping that I will be able to sleep without mussing my hair too much and get a least one more day out of this style, if not two.

Keep it real, keep it natural YY

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hair goals for 2010 and beyond

Up to this point, beyond healthy hair, I really didn't have a goal for my hair. I have read so many postings on so many websites that have truly provided me with an abundance of much needed help on this journey. At times it has been a bit confusing to me because I think I am reading about one type of natural and come to find out she is texturizing, whatever that is. I read another one and find out she stretching her relaxers, whatever that is. I read yet another one and realize she is flat ironing, blow drying, hood drying...heat, heat, heat.

I think I have finally found my reason for creating this site. I want to be the natural that I have chosen to be. I decided that I will not use heat, I will not relax, texturize or use any of the other options that are out there. I decided that to me, natural means walking away from all of these things. I am learning so much about chemicals to avoid in my hair, ingredients seek for my hair, how to make homemade yummies for my hair and all kinds of abbreviations and acronyms (the secret language of natural hair). Something that has become so important to me is being able to show how I was able to transition to a natural without chopping off all my hair. As you can see from the pic from high school, even then I had plenty of hair that was about shoulder length. The only time my hair hasn't touched my shoulders is when I cut it myself. How cute was this, my little freshman college boyfriend. Anyway thats all my own hair with beads attached.
Honestly, I think if I had to cut off all my hair to do this, it may not have ever happened. I do understand everyone can't do what I do nor can I do what everyone else does but I am enjoying learning what works for me. Even if my way only works for one other sista than I have helped someone along the way just as so many sistas out there are helping me.

So I should mention that one thing that helped with my transitioning is that my hair had been in braids most of '07, when it got raggedy I would just take it all out, wash it real good and braid it back up before Monday for work. Here, I am in Mexico Sept 19, 2007 with a friend I made during a tour of the city. LOL

After finally noticing that every time I took the braids out to wash my hair it got easier and easier to manage, I decided to go with it and see what would happen. Not always happy I decided to investigate taking care of natural hair and found out a lot of what I was doing was good. What I didn't know was about the chems that were hurting my hair, detangling, spritzing and so much more. Now finally, I have evolved and I don't see myself ever turing back. Good days, bad days, my hair is what it is. I have found my napptitude and I am falling more and more in with me!
I recently told someone that my hair tells me what it wants to do and I just let it have it's way. What does my hair do for me in return? My hair feeds my soul with things I never knew before: confidence, pride, power. It may be something that some women possess naturally but not me, so many others I'm sure. To be able to look at my self in the mirror or simply walk down the street with my head held high, enjoying knowing that 'Yep, they're looking at me'. Who knew I'd ever feel this way?

So ladies make your decisions: chop or not, heat or not, relax or not. But whatever you do, make this year the year to love yourself and remember...

Keep it real, keep it natural

Friday, January 1, 2010

Hair challenges for 2010 have begun.

I have joined several hair challenges on Protective Styling, Deep conditioning, Castor oil, Natural hair maintenance, Moisturize you hair/baby your ends, and Scarves for winter. The castor oil and deep conditioner challenges began today, yeah. I assume the others will be later in the year.
Ok, so my routine:
I decided to use the dry method to start with this time. I loaded my hair, in sections, with ORS Mayo. Now I really get the ors, it feels so good on the scalp. I put on my plastic cap and to help keep the heat in I tied my hair up with my new cotton head wrap/towel that I just made. It looks kinda funny but it really did it's job. I left the wrap on for nearly two hours as I was busy with other things. Combing out in the shower was quite easy and as usual I plaited my hair for easy management. After squeezing out the excess water I tied my head up with my new wrap again (I have to find a name for this thing) for about 20 minutes. The wrap kept my head nice and warm, absolutely no dripping from the sides and a rather comfy fit too. I am so happy with this little thingy but the next one will be just a bit bigger. Anyway, after removing the wrap I applied one of my leave-in concoctions and oiled my scalp with the Jamaican Black Castor Oil. Now my hair is cornrowed for the weekend unless by some miracle I am asked out for an evening. I must admit, that frizziness that I had seen after my last few co-washes was not there. I guess some protein is what my hair has been needing.

Oh yeah, product updates. I decided to make something to wrap my hair in because the terry turban was a joke. On the cover, it's made to look like it's so soft and plush; like terry cloth...NOT. This thing is tissue thin and water leaked through from my hair. Not to mention how tight it was. I know what you're think, I do not have a big head. It was like giving birth trying to put it on my head but it definitely was not coming off that's for sure! So looks like I have new dusting rag since I wont be squeezing back into that again. I'm so used to sleeping in the satin caps I keep forgetting I bought the pillowcase so reviews on that will come later. The Annie's rubber brush, two thumbs up. It worked great just as I expected. So for now, I'll be sticking with Annie's brush which means more money to feed my pj moments.

Keep it real, keep it natural YY