I think I have finally found my reason for creating this site. I want to be the natural that I have chosen to be. I decided that I will not use heat, I will not relax, texturize or use any of the other options that are out there. I decided that to me, natural means walking away from all of these things. I am learning so much about chemicals to avoid in my hair, ingredients seek for my hair, how to make homemade yummies for my hair and all kinds of abbreviations and acronyms (the secret language of natural hair). Something that has become so important to me is being able to show how I was able to transition to a natural without chopping off all my hair. As you can see from the pic from high school, even then I had plenty of hair that was about shoulder length. The only time my hair hasn't touched my shoulders is when I cut it myself. How cute was this, my little boy...er freshman college boyfriend. Anyway thats all my own hair with beads attached.

So I should mention that one thing that helped with my transitioning is that my hair had been in braids most of '07, when it got raggedy I would just take it all out, wash it real good and braid it back up before Monday for work. Here, I am in Mexico Sept 19, 2007 with a friend I made during a tour of the city. LOL
After finally noticing that every time I took the braids out to wash my hair it got easier and easier to manage, I decided to go with it and see what would happen. Not always happy I decided to investigate taking care of natural hair and found out a lot of what I was doing was good. What I didn't know was about the chems that were hurting my hair, detangling, spritzing and so much more. Now finally, I have evolved and I don't see myself ever turing back. Good days, bad days, my hair is what it is. I have found my napptitude and I am falling more and more in with me!
I recently told someone that my hair tells me what it wants to do and I just let it have it's way. What does my hair do for me in return? My hair feeds my soul with things I never knew before: confidence, pride, power. It may be something that some women possess naturally but not me, so many others I'm sure. To be able to look at my self in the mirror or simply walk down the street with my head held high, enjoying knowing that 'Yep, they're looking at me'. Who knew I'd ever feel this way?
So ladies make your decisions: chop or not, heat or not, relax or not. But whatever you do, make this year the year to love yourself and remember...
Keep it real, keep it natural
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