Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Protective style 2

Well, I started working on another protective style that will be more to my liking. After deep conditioning over the weekend my hair felt good but I really did like the way it looked after I took the braids out for work yesterday. It really wasn't a good hair day, but then my hair does have a mind of its own. When I came home from work yesterday I went straight to work on it. I spritzed it with my leave-in mix (suave professionals in the orange bottle, it really smells refreshing; evoo; water), and detangled with my wide tooth comb. Then all of a sudden I had a thought. Standing in the mirror with a section of damp hair in my hand I decided, 'Why not try a bantu knots.' So after combing I brushed the section with my rubber brush and started twisting until the section started turning on itself. I twisted it around and didn't even need pins to hold it in place. Oh yeah, added a bit of Taliah Waajid Tight Hold to the ends, something else I read is supposed to be good for twist. The TW kinda fooled me, it's so light I really didn't think it would anything for my hair. Anyway I finished knotting up my hair. I didn't put much thought into how it was parted or whether the sections were even or not, I just wanted to experiment. I was happy to see that my hair's sheen has returned. I attribute that to the deep conditioning and the Jamaican Black Castor challenges I just started. Look how glossy and smooth.

Honestly, judging by this look I expected to have to spend time trying to figure how to manage my hair this morning and still be on time for work.

This morning I spritzed my hair again before my shower and then it was time. I started knots apart and thought to myself, 'OK, what do I do now, they look like worms!'. Really wish I had thought to take a picture. Instead I grabbing small sections and pinning them up. I didn't look in the mirror. I continued to pin until everything was off my shoulders. When I stopped and took a look...WOW!!! I love you!!!

Of course I did wear my scarf to protect the back of my hair, I took it off for the picture. It's time for me to start looking into getting some hair bling for sure. This style will really rock with something shiny or dangling from it. I was checking out some of the hair bling made by tomoka, who is truely awesome. She makes all kinds of hair goodies and jewelry too. So back on track, I have tied my sides up, or rather down for the night. I am hoping that I will be able to sleep without mussing my hair too much and get a least one more day out of this style, if not two.

Keep it real, keep it natural YY

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