Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hair Bling!!

I have been looking into getting some hair bling to add to my napptitude without spending a lot of money. What would really make me happy is to make my own according to my own style of course. For this reason, even though I love Tomoka's hair accessories I try not visit her site to often. Soooooo, I going through my draw of hair stuff and found this beautiful barrette that I totally forgot I had in my possession. I love this piece, it's loaded with lots of color and sitting alone reminds me of a miniature crown (I watched three seasons of The Tudors this week). The colors are so bright and cheerful, lots of yellow, red, purple, white, pink and gold.

Then I had to decide what to do with my hair if I were to wear this lovely piece. What did I come up updo of course. I still have to work out the details on exactly how to pin up my hair because I wont be able to put a whole lot inside the barrette. My hair is twisted right now and will probably stay this way for the week so it has to look sensible and still accent the my bling. I just so glad I went digging in that door. Who knows what other treasures are hiding in there.

What a great find this was for me and the timing couldn't be better. I just remembered...IT'S MY HAIR ANNIVERSARY!!!! Yeah me!!! So easy though this really isn't a new gift, I haven't seen it for a while and completely forgot about it so, it's a found treasure.

Keep it real, keep it natural YY

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