I really like this. I gave the Tropical Coconut condish another as a co-wash and used the VO5 Tea Therapy as my leave-in. This was followed by using the TW oyl and wow! My responded so well to this oil it is truly unbelievable. I still had tangles but after combing through I was able to pull my hair back into a afro puff instead of twisting as I usually do. Combing through that night to sleep was really bear but the next day, again I was able to easily put my hair in a fro. The fro was easier to comb down that second night.

I can see that my hair is getting thicker, which I really don't need.
It's also growing like crazy. I really don't have a goal for hair length I just want healthy hair and skin with minimal breakage. I hair has always been shoulder length, maybe an inch longer, so if it never grows any longer I'm ok it's more than enough to deal with. But here's a thought, if growing my longer so women that you can have natural hair with length and volume without using chemicals and without any heat than I am up to showing the world.

What did I learn this time?
Wash n go -
Never. I think my hair is way to coily for that.
Taliah Waajid African Healing Oyl -
Yes to oil even if it's not TW.
VO5 Tea Therapy -
Yes, as co-wash or leave-in works great for me.
Suave Tropical Coconut -
Yes, great for co-washing. Might work as a leave-in if I add oil.
What's next? I need hair bling! Now that I am able to wear my hair up occasionally I need pretty flowers, butterflies and all kinds of shiny, dangling, glittery stuff for my hair.